“Jóias e suas histórias”
Nasci no Porto em 1969. Aos 3 anos, deram-me um livro, que ainda guardo, com pinturas de PieterBruegel, livro esse que via religiosamente todas as noites. Era a minha Bíblia!
Por volta dos 11 anos li "A Metamorfose” de Kafka", e penso que, inconscientemente, esse livro está sempre presente em todas as minhas obras.
A pintura e as artes são um interesse que tenho desde esse tempo.
Pinto figuras antropomorfizadas, em que cães, gatos, coelhos e pássaros, os meus “Bichos” como digo, são figuras burlescas e simpáticas que parecem ter saído das fábulas de La Fontaine, assumindo o papel de nobres dos séculos XVII e XVIII, posando para o retrato e contando as suas histórias.
Surgiu-me a ideia/tentação, desses meus “Bichos” poderem passear na rua comigo, neste caso nos meus dedos.
Nesta série de anéis, em prata e pedras semi-preciosas, coelhos, ratos, gatos, panteras e leões tornam-se nas personagens do conto de Alexandre Dumas, “d’Artagnan e os três Mosqueteiros”.
Num estilo pós-moderno, por vezes com piercings e tatuagens, “d’Artagnan”, “Milady”, “Athos", “Aramis”, “Porthos” e “Constance” andam, finalmente, pelas ruas!
"Jewellery and their stories"
I was born in Oporto. By the age of three I was given a book which I still keep, with paintings by
Pieter Bruegel, a book that I faithfully turned to every night. It was my Bible!
By the age of eleven I read Kafka´s Metamorphosis which I believe, somehow unconsciously, is
consistently present throughout my work.
Painting and the arts have always been an interest since that time.
I paint anthropomorphized figures, where dogs, cats, rabbits and lions, are my "Animals", ludicrous
and sympathetic figures that appear to come out from La Fontaine Fables, assuming the role of
nobles from the 17th and 18th centuries, posing for the depiction and telling their stories.
The idea came up, I was tempted to take my "Animals" for a walk in the streets, in this case in my
In this series of silver rings with rubies, sapphires and emeralds, rabbits, rats, cats, panthers and
lions become the characters of the tale by Alexandre Dumas, "d'Artagnan and the Three
In a postmodern style, sometimes with piercings and tattoos, "d'Artagnan", "Milady", "Athos",
"Aramis", "Porthos" and "Constance" are, finally, out in the streets.
Carla Faro Barros
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